I love Janet Fox's books, so I am so excited to be hosting a guest post from her today for the SIRENS IN THE TIME OF GATSBY blog tour, hosted by Mod Podge Blog Tours. In addition to Janet's guest post about women's fashion in the 1920s (a great topic!), there is also an awesome contest, and be sure to watch the book trailer!
Kicking Up Their Heels: The Women’s Fashion Revolution of the 1920s
Flappers were defined
in part by how they looked. When in SIRENS Jo meets her cousin Melody, she see
the perfect flapper; and when Jo borrows her cousin’s clothes she worries she’s
turning into a flapper. But, golly, it was a great look! And it sure beat
wearing those horrific corsets.
In an earlier blog post I talked about some of the reasons fashion changed so radically in the years from 1900 to 1925. The war, the suffrage movement, the feminist movement, women in the work force, even cinema, the automobile and advertising – these elements came together to encourage more practical, less restrictive women’s clothing (corsets – gone!)
But what happened in the early 1920s pushed the clothing
evolution into revolution. And the greatest proponent and inventor of the new
fashion was Coco Chanel.

Young women in America particularly took to Chanel’s chic
new look. Dresses were tubular, with no waist
or a dropped waist, and those
huge, overdone hats were reduced to the close-fitting cloche. Long hair went
out of style – too fussy, too much work – to be replaced by the short, loosely
styled bob. Hemlines in about 1919 were mid-calf, but by 1925 had climbed well above
the knee. While frills were gone, they were replaced by the “Oriental” look
that featured beading on the dresses, and jewelry of beads, bangles, and long strands
of pearls.
That was the other part of this revolution in fashion: the
shift away from elaborate hand-sewn costumes made from delicate fabrics that
required lots of care to practical fabrics sewn into

Which was a huge part of the 1920s culture. Dancing,
drinking, and dating – every self-respecting flapper wanted to be out all night
taking in the “scene” and being “seen.” More about that in an upcoming post.
Check out this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72oC9_PTiQo
About Sirens:
Caught up in the swirl of her cousin’s bobbed-hair set—and the men that court them— Jo soon realizes that the talk of marriage never stops, and behind the seemingly boundless gains are illicit business endeavors, gangsters, and their molls. Jo would much rather spend time the handsome but quiet Charles, a waiter at the Algonquin Hotel, than drape herself over a bootlegger. But when she befriends a moll to one of the most powerful men in town, Jo begins to uncover secrets—secrets that threaten an empire and could secure Jo’s freedom from her family.
Can her newfound power buy her love? Or will it to ruin Jo, and everyone around her?
About Janet Fox:

You can learn more about Janet and her books at her website.
Book Trailer for SIRENS:
a Rafflecopter giveaway