Monday, June 22, 2009

Contest: Win a signed copy of The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley

I am giving away a lovely signed, hardcover copy of The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley, which is being released by HarperCollins on June 30. You can read my review of this book here and view the book trailer at this link.

About The Stolen One:

"No one wanted you. But I did."
Kat's true identity is a secret, even from her. All she has ever known are Grace and Anna and their small village. Kat wants more—more than hours spent embroidering finery for wealthy ladies and more than Christian, the gentle young farmer courting her.
But there are wolves outside, Grace warns. Waiting, with their eyes glowing in the dark . . . and Grace has given Kat safety and a home when no one else would.
Then a stranger appears in their cottage, bringing the mystery of Kat's birth with her. In one night, Kat's destiny finds her: She will leave. She will journey to London, and her skill with the needle will attract the notice of the magnificent Queen Elizabeth—and of the wolves of the court. She will discover what Grace would never tell her.
Everything will unravel.

Contest will run for two weeks, through July 6. US only, unless you have a US mailing address I can send it to.

Extra entries:
+2 if you are already a follower
+1 if you become a new follower
+2 if you link to this contest anywhere on your blog or website

Please specify in your posts any extra entries you get. Thanks and good luck!


Carrie said...

I am already a follower and that books looks awesome.


Kristen said...

+2 already a follower
+2 linked on sidebar of blog:

Great contest! :)

LuAnn said...

This book sounds very intriguing!
(I'm a follower!)

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

This books looks so good! I've been wanting to read it and I really like the cover.

+2 I'm a follower

greenbeanteenqueen at gmail dot com

Steph Su said...

OH MY GOD. How did you come across a signed copy of the beautiful, beautiful hardcover? I want to own this book so bad!

+2 follower
+2 linked to my sidebar

stephxsu at gmail dot com

Brittany said...

I really am excited to read this book!

+2 already a follower
+2 linked to contest in my blog


Christy said...

I've been wanting to read this book since it takes place in the Tudor era! And I just becamse a follower.


Liz said...

What a great giveaway!
This book sounds really good!!

+2 already a follower!


liztapioka14 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Genevieve said...

Please enter me! This book sounds pretty good. : )

+2 if you are already a follower
+2 if you link to this contest anywhere on your blog. My sidebar:


Anonymous said...

I followed through rss but added as follower today and linked to my sidebar on

Sisa said...

I'd love to win this!
+1 I'm a new follower through bloglines.
+2 This will go on my blog sidebar and post next roundup on Monday

Anonymous said...

+2 I'm already a follower (on Google and Bloglines)!
+2 Linked to the contest here:

Carlene said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

I am already a follower.

a flight of minds said...

The Stolen One sounds so interesting.

+1 New follower
+2 Linked in sidebar at our blog

Alex & Lauren at

Unknown said...

Looks like a good book, please enter me into this drawing.

+1 I'm also a new follower of your blog.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

BN Book Blog said...

This book looks really good. We'd love to be entered and just started following.

Beth & Nathan

notemily said...

I'd love a copy! +2 already a follower.


Katie said...

Enter me! I'm already a follower.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone, hope you all enjoy my book, and hope you win!
Suzanne Crowley

Unknown said...

Would love to have a copy of this!
+2 Already a follower
+1 Contest is posted to my blog
conchell at aol do com

Katie said...

I would love to win this!
+2 already a follower
+2 posted in sidebar of blog

Thanks for the awesome contest!

Samantha LeAnne said...

+1 I'm a new follower
+2 posted on my sidebar

amanda said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

Already a follower.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

Already a follower.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

Sara said...

Thank you for the contest!

+1 new follower
+2 for linking to blog sidebar


Anonymous said...

that books looks AWESOME!


Sarah said...

This books sounds really good!

+1 I'm a follower now!

Thanks for the contest,

@llie said...

I think book sounds so good. Thanks for having the contest. I hope I won. Also I am a follower.

L said...

I'd love to win this book.

I'm a follower.


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