About Anastasia's Secret:
For Anastasia Romanov, life as the privileged daughter of Russia's last tsar is about to be torn apart by the bloodshed of revolution. Ousted from the imperial palace when the Bolsheviks seize control of the government, Anastasia and her family are exiled to Siberia. But even while the rebels debate the family's future with agonizing slowness and the threat to their lives grows more menacing, romance quietly blooms between Anastasia and Sasha, a sympathetic young guard she has known since childhood. But will the strength of their love be enough to save Anastasia from a violent death?
Inspired by the mysteries that have long surrounded the last days of the Romanov family, Susanne Dunlap's new novel is a haunting vision of the life—and love story—of Russia's last princess.
Contest rules:
To enter, comment on this post with your email address. Entries must be posted by Thursday, February 25
Contest open internationally, but the book may take a while to reach you if you win and live outside the US
Extra entries:
+1 if you link the contest on your blog
+1 if you read and comment on my review of the book
+1 if you are already a follower
Please specify any extra entries you have earned in your post. Thanks and good luck!
This book looks really good! I've always been a fan of Anastasia stories, so this one looks interesting as well.
+1 already a follower
Please enter me :)
+1 I'm already a follower
I had an error in my email address in the previous comment, that's why it's deleted.
Please enter me! daydreamer_11691@verizon.net
+1 Already a follower
+1 Read your review. I have to say, the review made me want to read the book even more, even though it seems the book ends sadly.
Please enter me: jmlib923@yahoo.com
+1 if you read and comment on my review of the book
+1 if you are already a follower
Reading your review reminded me, I am totally with you...I both love and hate reading about a "character" who was really a historical figure that came to a tragic end. It's sad knowing what will happen, though sometimes facinating to see how authors get them there!
Cool contest! :) would love to be entered.
+1 blogged http://readthisbook.wordpress.com/contests/
kate.readthisbok [at] gmail [dot] com
Ooooh I would love to read this book!
+1 linked to this giveaway in my sidebar
+1 follower
Thank you!
stephxsu at gmail dot com
I would like to read this and I'm a follower via Google. cmdaphne(at)tds(dot)net
This sounds like a wonderful book! I'd love to read it.
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
I would love to enter!
+1 Already a follower
+1 Read and commented on your review.
Thanks for the giveaway. :)
I was supposed to get a copy of this from Susanne but I haven't heard from her since before she got the box of finished copies, so I'm not sure it's happening. I'm REALLY excited about this book though!
+1 already a follower
I heard this book is supposed to be great!
Please enter me! I am a follower.
I follow using a feed reader, have blogged about this contest at Historical Tapestry, and will shortly be commenting on your review!
Would love to read this one!
I'd love to play please!
+1 already a follower.
+1 I linked to the contest and your review in my blog: http://vonzereader.blogspot.com/2010/02/rebeccas-book-blog-signed-copy-of.html
+1 I enjoyed and commented on your review
+1 I'm already a follower =)
I'm really interested in Russia's history. I hope to take a class on it in college. Until then, this book would make a really great read for me. Thanks for the contest!
please enter me!
+1 i'm a follower
sorry, it's j.brol(at)yahoo(dot)com
Please include me. It sounds really interesting.
I am already a follower.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
This book sounds great!
I am already a follower!
I haven't heard of this book, but it sounds really good!
I am a follower.
Thanks for the giveaway!
That sounds like an awesome book!
+1 I'm a follower. :)
ooohhhh historical romance (with death)!
Thanks for the giveaway! I love reading anything that deals with Anastasia.
+1 I'm a follower
Awesome, thanks!
+1 follower
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net
I am a Follower.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
Thank you.
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
Ooh, throw my name in the hat! I haven't read Hist-Fic based in Russia in a long time and this one sounds interesting!
srfbluemama at gmail dot com
I've seen great reviews on this book!
+1 I'm a follower.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
Awesome! I'd love to be entered!
+1 For Following
I would love to be entered!
+1 I read the review. I am a huge fan of historical romance and will make sure I have some tissues near by!
+1 I am a follower
I would love to win this one.
+1 I'm a follower
I'm so excited to win this one.
+1 Blogged: http://theshadyglade.blogspot.com/2010/02/contest-roundup-feb-16th.html
+1 I was previously a follower through Bloglines. I don't know if that counts...
shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com
Please enter me to win this. It sounds so intriguing.
+1-? I'm a new follower (I don't know if that counts
+1-Commented on review
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
+1 Follower
+1 Comment on Review
Please enter me!
+1 I made a comment on your review in a previous post.
+1 I am a follower!
Count me in on this fabulous giveaway!
+1 = follower
helou! greetings from COlombia^^
+1 I am a follower
+1 if you link the contest on your blog
On my sidebar^^: http://atlantidaliz.blogspot.com/ Sidebar bottom
Also I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Lizzyrm/status/9342968698
+1 if you read and comment on my review of the book
I made a comment of your review^^
Email: blogatlantico@gmail.com
Sounds like a great book, and the cover's beautiful!
+1 I posted this on my sidebar under contests: www.yavampirebooks.blogspot.com
+1 I have read and commented on our review.
I'm a new follower!
I'm extremely sure that I want to read this. Thanks for the contest!
+1 Linked on Sidebar: http://thebookshopaholic.blogspot.com/
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/bookshopaholic/status/9402644955
+1 Commented on Review.
New Follower
sounds like a very interesting book, but i think i know what's going to happen in the end.
+1 linked this blog: http://gowiththeflo777.livejournal.com/
+1 commented
+1 follower
+1 linked in sidebar:
+1 follower
Please count me in!
I'd like to read this book.
+1 I have always been fascinated by Anastasia and would love to win this book. Your review was awesome. Every time I read a book about Anastasia I find out a few more details of what happened. I think her story is fascinating. Did she survive or not? ???
Thanks for this great giveaway.
+ I am follower
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me, I want to read this book :)
Thanks for the contest!
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I want to enter. I have linked to my blog on the sidebar under Contests, commented on your book review, and I currently follow you.
Thanks for offering up this contest.
Good Luck Everyone!!!
Awesome book!
+1 I'm a follower
+1 I'm linking on sidebar :)
+1 Commented on your review.
The story of the Romanov's has always intrigued me. Please enter me and thank you for having this giveaway. I am a new follower.
I've watched every Anastasia's movie there is.
Her story is so sad... Please sign me in!!
+1 follower
+1 read and coment your review
+1 comment on review
This sounds like an awesome book!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Already a follower
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I commented on your review
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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