Saturday, June 12, 2010

Interview with Lee Nichols + Giveaway

Lee Nichols is the author of Deceptions, the first book in the Haunting Emma series, which I just reviewed today. In addition to the interview, thanks to Bloomsbury I have one ARC of the book to give away to a lucky winner! Information on how to enter can be found below the interview and if you want to learn more about Lee and her books, you can visit her website.

Can you tell us a little bit about Deception and the Haunting Emma series?

When seventeen-year-old Emma Vaile's parents disappear she discovers she can see and control ghosts and that her parents knew this all along. So where are they and what have they done? She also loses her best friend, battles an evil ghost and falls for the wrong guy.

After writing several adult books, what inspired you to write a YA paranormal about ghosts?

I first conceived of DECEPTION as an adult novel and the more I worked with the idea, the more I realized I really wanted it to be a YA. My goal was to write a contemporary Gothic novel with a kick-butt heroine.

If you could have any paranormal ability, what would you choose?

I love dogs, so I think I'd like to be a werewolf. Or maybe a wereFrechbulldog.

Is anything in the story based on your own experiences as a teenager?
I think Emma's teasing relationships with her friends is how I interacted with my friends. And I moved from California to Massachusetts for college, so Emma's feelings about that transition in high school are akin to my own. And a lot has been made lately about missing parents in YA fiction, but that really was my experience. My parents were divorced, my father lived 2000 miles away and my mother worked and had a life other than her children. So I had a lot of autonomy at seventeen.

When will the next Haunting Emma book be released?

BETRAYAL comes out March, 2011! The cliff hanger at the end of the first book is making people desperate for book two. All I can say is Emma becomes even more kick-butt and Bennett turns into a bad boy.

When you are not writing, how do you enjoy spending your time?

I've got a 5 year old son, so he sucks up most of my free time. When I'm not with him, I'm with husband, friends, or the dogs. Or, more likely, sleeping.

Contest rules:
To enter the contest, just post a comment on this interview with your email address. Contest is open to US residents only (no PO boxes).
For one extra entry, you can link to this post anywhere such as your blog, Twitter, etc. If you do, be sure to let me know in your comment!
Entries must be posted by Saturday, June 19th. Good luck!


Ashley said...

This sounds great!!

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Jessy said...

I've read really great reviews and would love to win a copy.

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

This sounds like a great new, and refreshing, addition to YA I love the idea of a werefrenchbulldog!!

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Oh, I've been hearing great things about this book, thanks for the giveaway! And, lol, i love kick-butt heroines. :D

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

This book looks great!
I tweeted about the contest!

alexreadsbooks at gmail dot com

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Awesome contest! I'd love to enter!!

inthehammockblog (at) gmail (dot) com


throuthehaze said...

This book sounds interesting! Great interview :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

Thanks for doing this contest and interview. It was very interesting. email : kathrynroberts at hotmail dot com

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

Oooh, this sounds really cool. Thank you for posting this, I am definitely adding it to the wishlist.


Unknown said...

Awesome contest! I've been looking forward to reading this.

mcquinn1010 at gmail dot com

Samantha said...

Wow, this looks like a really great book!

I Tweeted about the contest as well. :)

Brooke said...

Man, I want this book so bad. ^_^
Great contest!

+1 Tweeted:

Lasha said...

this book looks so good, i could definitely escape in this story. thanks so much for this giveaway, i would love to read this.


Dee said...

Great giveaway! This sounds amazing. dmarkley199 at gmail dot com

tetewa said...

I've been hearing alot about this one, count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this! Great interview!

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