Saturday, July 17, 2010

In My Mailbox - 7/17/10

Credit goes to The Story Siren for creating and hosting the In My Mailbox feature.

I only got one book this week but it looks really good.

For review:

Steel by Carrie Vaughn

When Jill finds a rusty sword tip on a Caribbean beach, she is instantly intrigued—and little expects it will transport her through time to the deck of a pirate ship. Will a dark enchantment, salty kisses, and a duel with an evil pirate captain leave her stranded in the eighteenth century forever?

Drawing on piratical lore and historical fact, Carrie Vaughn creates a vivid world of swaying masts and swelling seas, where blood magic overrules the laws of nature, romance is in the air, and death can come at the single slip of a sword.


prophecygirl said...

I just heard about Steel today, and it sounds interesting. Looking forward to hearing what you think - you're my go-to person for historical YA :)

Brittany said...

This sounds really interesting! Can't wait for your review. Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

Steel sounds amazing! Hope you enjoy it. :]

Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

You got Steel! I want that one so bad!

~The Book Pixie said...

I'm sooo toally jealous of Steel! I hope you like it. :D


Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

this book looks awesome!!!

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